Three Favorite Websites
This website and app is extremely user-friendly. Students can create their own books and use a variety of stickers and scenes to enhance their text . My Storybook also has drawing tools, a variety of color options, and the ability to upload pictures. Students can read others' books, as well as create, print, share, and publish their own books. In the library, this would be fun to use collaboratively to create a class book as an extension of familiar literature. Students could use this tool to display their understanding of some content or subject recently studied.
Educators and older students could quickly create a "Jeopardy"- style game board with this tool. Clues/questions are placed under categories with point values assigned to each. Students choose a category and point value to receive a clue/question to answer. The number of categories and teams/participants can be adapted as needed. Librarians can use this fun game to review genres, parts of books, story elements, practice for Book Bowls, etc...
Gooru is a free website that teachers and students can use to search for online resources and lesson plans to use and create personal collections of various subject matter. Users can also view and edit existing collections as needed. This would be an excellent tool to use to create collections that would be readily available for students' reference on typical study topics and how-to tutorials. It would also be an easy, user-friendly way to provide resources to teachers.
I like the idea of students creating their own Jeopardy review games on FlipQuiz. I have used my old Quia account to make Jeopardy games for years, but that is locked down so only I can use it. It's nice to have an alternative site students can use, too.
I also really like the idea of having older students create their own review games using FlipQuiz. Activities like that always help solidify the information that much more for them.
I need to check out Gooru. It sounds like a great resource. I don't know if I have played around with that one yet.
I agree with Amy, I need to spend more time investigating Gooru. I know as a teacher, I am always looking for a fast way to access resources. This sounds like a winner!
I need to upgrade--my students are still creating their "jeopardy" review games on index cards, taped to the white board. Time to look at FlipQuiz!
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